George Eliot Review 44
Includes the following articles
Royce Best: 'And her wings fall from her and she drops to the ground': Reading Eliot's Mr Casaubon through Benjamin Jowett's Phaedrus. (Essay prize)
Leonee Ormond: Romola's Artists George Eliot Memorial Lecture, December 2012).
K M Newton: George Eliot, Scientific Materialism and Literary Form: Some Reflections on Felicia Bnaparte's Will and Destiny.
Robert Muscutt: The Golden Gates are Passed.
Helen Kingstone: The Two Felixes: Narratorial Irony and the Question of Radicalism in Felix Holt and 'Address to Working Men, by Felix Holt'.
Jacqueline Bohn Donada: George Eliot's Brazilian Critical Fortune and the case of Romola.
Kenichi Kurata: George Eliot, Marcel Proust and the Logic of Desire.
Kathryn Brigger Kruger: 'The Antigone and its Moral': George Eliot's Antigonean Consideration.
Graham Handley: George Eliot in Society: Travels Abroad and Sundays at the Priory. By Kathleen McCormack
John Rignall: Readings for Our Time: 'Adam Bede' and 'Middlemarch' Revisited. By J Hillis Miller
Peter Garratt: Form and Feeling in Modern Literature: Essays in Honour of Barbara Hardy. Edited by William Baker with Isobel Armstrong
Ruth and Michael Harris: The Ladislaw Case. By Imke Thormahlen. Translated by Marianne Thormahlen
John Rignall: Heathen and Outcast: Scenes in the Life of George Eliot. By Robert Muscutt
Plus Annual reports from the UK and Japan.