George Eliot Review

The George Eliot Fellowship


Price: £4.00

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Articles include:

Beryl Gray: Riding Horses in Middlemarch

Patricia Duncker: On Writing Neo-Victorian Fiction: James Miranda Barry (1999) and Sophie and the Sybil (2015) (Annual Lecture)

David Paterson: The Radical Candidature: Harold Transome’s Political Motivation in Felix Holt

Anna Gutowska: Between ‘Silly Novels’ and Vegetation Myths: George Eliot’s Subversive Use of the Two Suitors Convention in Middlemarch  (Essay Prize)

Marianne Burton: ‘Woman’s freedom consists in choosing the husband who is to be her master’: Existentialism and the Female Slave in Daniel Deronda

John Rignall: Two sequels to Daniel Deronda

Margaret Harris: George Eliot’s Afterlife: Dinitia Smith’s The Honeymoon and Diana Southami’s Gwendolen

David Harper: In Janet Dempster’s Footsteps: A Reminiscence

Plus book reviews and In Memoria for Barbara Hardy and Bill Adams

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The George Eliot Fellowship